In the preliminary task, there was no intense planning or preparation needed because we were given a simple and basic storyboard with very simple shots: wide shot, medium wide and close up. We did not have to organize for any location because we used a simple set in the studio which consisted of three fake brick walls, one light and a door.
For our main task, it took much more preparation such as: drawing out a storyboard, a shot list, cast, costume and props, shooting script. There was the process of preparing a location and seeing wether that location was available.
In the Preliminary task we used very simple shots such as wide shots, while in our Main task we used more complicated shots such as: over the shoulder shots.
In the Prelim. task, there was dialogue involved which gave a sense of a story and we didn't have to communicate anything non- verbally, therefore there was no need for special effects or special technicalities.
In our Main task, it was more complicated due to no dialogue in the sequence therefore we had to communicate a story visually by using the appropriate shots.
In terms of camera use, much improvement has take place since the Preliminary task, such as: framing the shots in different ways such as: framing for eyeline matches, etc. Unlike in the Prelim. task where we weren't aware of certain rules such as: use of close ups or keeping to the 180 degree rule, etc.
This is an example of over the shoulder shot we had in our preliminary task The frame is crooked and the object is way far to the left.
This is an over the shoulder shot from our main task sequence, We can now see that this shot is done properly because we can not only see her shoulder like in the previous shot of the Prelim. task.
This is a wide shot from our preliminary task. Again, we can see that three of the hot spots are empty and if this were a photo to represent something, it would be very difficult to find out what because she is the only object in this shot.
This is an example of a wide shot from our main task. The space is filled much better, there are more little details in the shot. With both characters in this shot, we can assume that something is going to happen between them.
In the preliminary task, we only recorded ambient sound, such as: dialogue. We had no need use of foley work, music or sound effects because our aim for this task was to only match the storyboard given to us. One of the reasons we did not have use any foley work was because we did not have the knowledge how to add it in.
In our main task, the music was one of the most important factors due to it being the main effect on the thriller. While shooting the sequence, the only sound we recorder was the ambient sound: shower, footsteps, etc.
When it came to ending editing the sequence, we argued on wether to have music or not because there are two different vibes in this sequence which are: sexual and scary. We came to the conclusion that musically modified notes would be adptable to it. We researched several different sounds on Soundtrack Pro and slowly making a process of sounds which adapted to the right moments. For example: actress enters teh shower room and this is supposed to give a feeling of seduction, therefore we added a slow and sensual beat to it. We added a slight high scary tone when she pulls the knife out. The booming sounds which were also exported from Soundtrack Pro were used in the stabbing actions.
After effects
Our preliminiary task required no after effects because the main aim was to learn how to use the camera. For our Main task, after effects were an important factor in order to get the effect we wanted to transmit to the audience. After effects also allow the manipulation of colour and contrast and it can help cover up mistakes in the original shots and make actions in the film look more realistic and exaggerated. We used after effects in Final Cut Pro to make our video look as if it was captured on film. We also added some color changes to make sure that the lighting in the shower room is not too warm for the scene.
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