The ideology of this, is to show the subtle messages within which include punishment, rejection and revulsion. These all fall into where 'correct' thinking is supposed to take place. For example: in a simple horror film, the promiscuous, drug-taking and drinking characters, are always killed off before hand, while the religious, good virgins, always survive till the end. This demonstrates how the plot is trying to send out a message to say that 'sex is bad, being a virgin is good.'
Horror films also alter our fears of strangers or hitchhikers who always appear to be 'murderers' or 'rapists'. In a horror film, the stranger is always the villain, making them a stereotype and reenforcing our knowledge of what we have grown-up with about not talking to strangers. It is the same when we talk about religion. The expectations of the world are to follow the traditional christian religion, and by doing this you are 'good'. This is demonstrated in horror films by destroying any deviant religion which is also considered the 'bad side' of the storyline.
With the new technologies nowadays, the audience immediately expects every problem to be fixed via science. This is why older beliefs such as: religion or superstition, have been replaced with the modern belief of the power of science. This is why when in a film the supernatural is defeated with psychological power rather than a Latin spell.
The modern version of horror industry draws in huge audiences due to it's continual re-invention and re-creating of every successful horror film.
This slideshow shows my presentation to an idea of a horror film which then became our main idea to do the group work to make an opening sequence of a horror film. This powerpoint explains the idea of this girl who is in actual fact an old woman who diguises herself as a young girl. Her crime is that she has relations with random boys who have to be virgins, giving her the power to keep young, however, the victims die and dry up becoming a nasty creature in order to her sucking out of virginity.
My horror film ideas
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