Wednesday, 19 January 2011


Cast list

Patch Wadsworth
Lillie Resta
Freya Spargo
Molly Astley
Amiee Watts
Simon Wood

Props List
Long board room table
Office chairs-leather
Office cubicles
Office appliances (stapler, hole-puncher, pencil and pen holders, folders, filing cabinet, pictures, billboards, maps)
Harsh lighting
(Graffiti) Brick walls to move around for different shots
Office plants
Laptops or computers
Interactive Board
Bass Guitar
Electric Guitar
Abandoned building set
Sharp murderer knife
Big garbage bin
Lamp post
Costume list

Killing scenes:
- Zip-up Latex suit
-Combat boots (whatever)
-Push up Bra
Office scene:
-Pencil Skirt (Black)
-Blazer with shoulder pads (Black)
-Black high heels
-Ordinary glasses

-Black business man suit
-Red Tie
-Deer Stalker
-Brief case

-Ripped Tights
-Tattoos (drawn on or sleeves)
-Piercings (Fake)
-Doc Martins
-Ripped tops
-Denim short or ripped trousers
-Lot s of jewellery (rings and necklaces)
-Coloured hairspray (blue and red)

-His own jeans (black or denim)
-Checked shirt
- His own shoes

Schedule for the day

9:00 am- all meet in studio – get cast into costume

9:15 am- finish preparing the set for ally way shooting beforehand.

10:00 am- begin filming scenes with the alleyway set and costume.

12:30 pm- Get Lunch.

1:00 pm- continue filming in alleyway

2:00 pm- set up for band section
2:15 pm – begin filming band section

4:30 pm – wrap + strike kit


I've got the demons in me
I've got to brush them all away
I feel the demons rage
I must clean them all away,
Yeah, yeah [with echo]

Excite to scream them away
Cobwebs in the way
That magic cleaner will
Shine his smile over me
Yeah, yeah [with echo]

I am the demon
Cleaner who saves the day
I get the backwall
And important they'll always stay
Yeah, yeah [with echo]

If only one thing that you know
Imposters from the show
They'll try to trick you into
Normal treatment
Oh don't you listen to them say
Shush them all away
I am the demon cleaner
Madman so,
I am the freedom cleaner
Standing naked here to say
I'm the only way
I'm the only way
I'm the only way
I'm the only way

Shot list

Close up tilt down of drum set.

Extreme close-up of drumstick on drum.

Extreme close up from side of foot on drum pedal.

Close up of bassist playing.

Close up of strings of bass being played.

Extreme close up of bass players head.

Close up at low angle of electric guitarist playing.

Medium close up track across bass and drum player.

Crane shot of electric guitarist.

Extreme close up of bass players hand.

Tuesday, 18 January 2011


This is test footage from our shoot day of the band section. Our cast worked well together and looked exactly the way we wanted them too. For the performance element the lighting was simple, in that we used a black set with four spot lights to focus on the band and instruments; the lights rotate to create the effect of moving and to make the mood slightly dark. We also had test footage of the green screened section, this shows how the set looked and how we achieved the final cut of the video.


The Rule of Thirds.

One of the most popular 'rules' in photography is the Rule Of Thirds. It is also popular amongst artists. It works like this:
Imaginary lines are drawn dividing the image into thirds both horizontally and vertically. You place important elements of your composition where these lines intersect. I've even made a little diagram for you (fig 1).
As well as using the intersections you can arrange areas into bands occupying a third or place things along the imaginary lines. As you can see it is fairly simple to implement. Good places to put things; third of the way up, third of the way in from the left , etc. Using the Rule of Thirds helps produce nicely balanced easy on the eye pictures. Also, as you have to position things relative to the edges of the frame it helps get rid of ' tiny subject surrounded by vast empty space' syndrome.

The Rule of Thirds is fairly structured but there are a great many methods you can employ which rely on your ability to 'see' things and incorporate them into your composition.


Hurtwood House

Dali Records

Dear Sir or Madam,

We are a group of A Level students working on an A Level project for a qualifcation in Media Studies. We are writing to request permission to use the following track as part of this project:

Demon Cleaner by Kyuss

With your permission the track would be used as the accompaniment to a short form video that is made purely for assessment purposes and will have no commercial usage. The video will be viewed only by members of the school community and the assessor of the examination board.

The arist and the copyright holder will of course be fully recognised in the pre-production and evaluation material that accompanies the project. We cna also include a full copyright notice if required both in the planning material and on the video itself.

Yours sincerely

Olivia Cox, Ruby Kammer, and Luke Chapman
Hurtwood House School


Our main idea originated from the film Sin City. We also like the idea of narrating a story through the video keeping in mind that the audience would remember the song by the images of the storyline in the video.

When I watched the new music video by Chase & Status, I found that I remembered the song from images in the video and it's shocking storyline.

Thursday, 13 January 2011



Our main idea was to sell the product without sexual content and sell the product for it's music element and getting the audience to acknowledge the talent of the band.

This video above represents the kind of idea we were aiming at. This style of presenting the song, is aiming at a more real way to present the band unlike selling the song making use of sexual content. An example of this is Britney Spears: